class ResearchClient implements ResearchClientInterface
Class ResearchClient
An implementation of a client capable of querying the SellerLabs Research API.
Overrides the internal guzzle client.
Construct an instance of a ResearchClient
Generate an authorization code for the Research API server.
Get the current offers for an ASIN from the Research API.
Call the fees endpoint of the Research API and return the response.
Search the catalog and return the response
Get categories for an ASIN
Get a category by ID
Hit the itemSearch endpoint of research-api with a given keyword phrase, page (default 1) and search index (default Blended)
at line line 71
setClient(Client $client)
Overrides the internal guzzle client.
Mainly used for testing.
at line line 83
__construct(string $clientId, string $secret, string $endpoint)
Construct an instance of a ResearchClient
at line line 107
generateCode(null|int $timestamp = null)
Generate an authorization code for the Research API server.
at line line 135
getOffers(string $asin, bool $noPaapi = false)
Get the current offers for an ASIN from the Research API.
at line line 164
getFees(string $asin, float $price)
Call the fees endpoint of the Research API and return the response.
at line line 189
getSearch(string $idType, string $idCode)
Search the catalog and return the response
at line line 214
getAsinCategories(string $asin)
Get categories for an ASIN
at line line 232
getCategoryById(string $categoryId)
Get a category by ID
at line line 253
getItemSearch(string $keywords, int $page = 1, string $searchIndex = 'Blended')
Hit the itemSearch endpoint of research-api with a given keyword phrase, page (default 1) and search index (default Blended)